Social design for technology transfer: An experience in rural Colombia

Tellez, F.A. & España, J.M. (2019). Social design for technology transfer: An experience in rural Colombia, in Arteaga, I., Burbano, A., Nadal, D.H., & Peña, C. (Eds.), Conference Proceedings Cumulus Bogota 2019 (182–190), 28 October - 1 November, Bogota, Colombia: Universidad de los Andes.


In Colombia, more than 70,000 families in rural areas depend economically on the cultivation, transformation, distribution, and production of fique (Furcraea spp) and fique-based products (Peinado et al., 2006).

Historically, this crop has been cultivated in regions affected by Colombia’s conflict, including extensive areas in the departments of Nariño and Cauca, where fique producers have suffered from violence, displacement, and economic lag.

Additionally, the process of extracting the fibers from the fique leaves—which are used for most of the fique-based products is extremely inefficient and dangerous for workers (upper-limb amputations are common among this population). The fibers recovered through this process represent just 4% of the leaves, while 96% of the plant is discarded despite its potential uses for various industries.

To address these challenges, since 2014, a group of researchers from a private university and a governmental research institution in Colombia partnered to study and develop solutions to enhance the production and transformation of fique and improve the situation of rural families. An important outcome of this collaboration is the design of a semi-automatic system to separate the fibers, juice, and bagasse of fique leaves (España & Barbosa, 2017).

This paper presents the methodology intended to transfer this technology to rural communities so that they adopt it, contribute to refining it, and involve it in their practices. The methodology has been developed from a social design approach focused on involving rural communities as co-designers of the system and as adopters of this technology.

Keywords: Technology transfer, Rural, Social design, Vegetal fibers, Furcraea spp

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